The Business of Content

Retaining Ownership and Control Over Your Intellectual Property.

This one is for all my author and speaker friends and clients. 
I recently had a great time talking with Mitchell Levy, Chief Aha Instigator of the Aha Amplifier (, and Peter Winick, founder and CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage ( on Thought Leader Life.” 
This was a power packed interview with a lot of great takeaways for anyone in the business of content. 
Here are some of the topics discussed:
  • Owning one’s intellectual property.
  • Being open to multiple distribution channels to make optimal use of content.
  • Techniques successful Thought Leaders employ to widen the reach of their content and monetize it.
  • Exploiting your IP in a good way.
  • Being open to multiple channels without getting tied to a work-for-hire contract.
  • Not getting lured into selling content to publishers on a one-time basis.
  • Licensing your content on your own, distributing it to different channels, and making a business out of it without letting traditional publishers take control.
  • Leveraging your Thought Leadership and retaining ownership of it.
Don’t just think of yourself as an author or speaker. You are in the business of content, and yes, it needs to be run like a business. 
Check out the complete interview here.

by Peter Hoppenfeld